Complete unknown values in series



I have a series of lab values vs age. I can plot them on a graph and a line
forms between the values forming a curve though not symetrical. Since age is
a constant across the graph from 0 to 120 hours, is there a way to get Excel
to predict lab values for specific ages based on the curve generated on the
graph by the known values? If so, can someone help me through this? Thank


you can use <chart><add trendline> to have Excel try to fit your data.
If you have a theoretical expected fit (Log, Power, exponential, etc) you
can tell excel to fit many of those curves. In options have Excle print the
equation for th trendline, and you can use the equation to calculate specific
values. note many times the Trendline equaiotn signifcance needs to have
more significant figures so be sure to format the equaitn to have enough for
the accuracy you need.

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