comments mouseover on frozen cells



Hi all,

I have attached a comment to a frozen pane, and expecting it to do it's
mouse over popup below the "freeze-line", this is however not true, the
comment box is fixed to the original cells below the cell i created it
on, and therefore the comment disappear when scrolled down. Any way to
fix this or pop another floating textbox on mouseover?



got it working myself, code following for others
Label1 is the clickable area, and label 2 contains the info

Private Sub Label2_Click()
If (Label1.Visible = False Or Label1.Top + Label1.Height <
ActiveWindow.VisibleRange.Top) Then
With ActiveWindow.VisibleRange
Label1.Top = .Top + 5
Label1.Left = Label2.Left - 120
Label1.Visible = True
End With
Else: Label1.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

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