Combo boxes



I put a combo box with 2 columns with the rowsource from a query in my form.
Whenever anything is selected from the box it changes all the records and not
just the one I am on at the time I select from the box. How do I get the
combo box to just effect the record I am on and not all of the records.

I have ProductCode as my bound column so that when the list drops down it
shows both ProductCode and ProductName this way if you don't remember the
code you can get it by the name which is shown in the box as well.


It sounds like the control is unbound. Its ControlSource property should be
the ProductCode field in the form's underlying recordset. The BoundColumn
property of a combo box determines from which column the value of the control
is deprived, but does not assign it to a field in the underlying table or
query to which the form is bound unless its ControlSource property is the
name of that field, so you'll see the selected value in all records in the
form, but the value won't be assigned to the field in any row in the table.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England


I have experinced similar problems and some others when using ProductCode as
field name and then using this in fucntions or procedures.

This is not on the reserved word list, but the problem was resolved in my
case by changing the field name to ProductID. I refer to A2007.

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