Combo Box in a Datasheet View SubForm



I have 2 combo boxes, related to each other,
- the 1st determines a value
- this value is used by a query to filter data ; and this query build
the data for the 2nd combo

it works fine in a Single Form view,
the problem is that in a datasheet view, each time the user (me)
changes the combo boxes values; the values change for all records and
not the current one only.

Any solutions guys.


Al Campagna

Your combo box is not bound to any field in the table, so as an unbound field, it will
show on all the other records. It also happens to single forms, but it's just that in
single form view you don't see the other records changing.
That's not really a problem as long as (at the time of combo2 slection) it filters

Finding a work around in datasheet view will be impractical. You can develop a
continous form that looks like a datasheet view, and then you'll have more control over
your controls... like hiding combo1 when not needed, or moving combo1 in and out of the
subform view after it's done it's filtering job... etc...

Al Campagna . Candia Computer Consulting . Candia, NH USA
Microsoft Access MVP

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