


vene0102 said:
I need major help, i get a rundll message that pops up every 40
seconds it says "error loading
C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~2\ADDRES~1\cnbabe.dll the specified module could
not be found"

i installed pcdoctor,to fix all the computer problems , but apperently
is not working

please reply with an answer on how i can get rid of this message.

Thank you
A symptom of the CommonName parasite. See



I need major help, i get a rundll message that pops up every 40 second
it says "error loading C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~2\ADDRES~1\cnbabe.dll th
specified module could not be found"

i installed pcdoctor,to fix all the computer problems , but apperentl
is not working

please reply with an answer on how i can get rid of this message.

Thank yo



cnbabe is a dialer spyware downloaded on site where one looks or seeks for
something hidden in the groove of an ass (hehe naughty boy).
Loook in your startup folder if the shortcut is not there. If not,

Enter the registry editor by running "regedit".

then open SOFTWARE
then open MICROSOFT
the open WINDOWS
then open RUN

now see in the right pane the line where you find your cnbabe.dll
click the icon at beginning of the line and delete the whole shit
to remove the entry by pressing delete key on your keyboard..

This part of the registry has all the entries about what starts in windows,
together with the startup folder in the programs menu when you press start
buton, and all programs. Look first in that startup folder if the shortcut
is not there, if not go to the registry editor like description above.

Remind, good stuff and soft is not to be find between the hair of a pussy or
in the groove of a but.



Try also later to see in your control panel and in the remove programms
section to remove the common name toolbar. You might also have installed
this with some elder versions of Kazaa. Some softs like Gator, CMEII, Gain,
Bonzy Buddy and similar Spywares are installed in same packae. They hide in
common files in the program files section, mainly in Microsoft shared. The
folders can only be removed by starting the machine in safe mode. Searching
the entries in the registry and delete them is a first step, removing all of
it in the run section is elementary. All is to avoid the shit to start with
the OS. Then only, CMEII, Common Name, Gator, GAIN folders can be deleted.
Install Ad Aware soft to clean the registry and to locate the dialers and
spywares is another way to get rid of it, just find where they hide and get
it out.


w@icq93297373> wrote in message

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