Close a report & Design Mode



Hi.. i design a report via vba like this:
1) open the report in design mode
2) design
3) open the report in preview mode

Now if a user close this report with close button in the control box it
close but it ask user if he wants to save this report and other forms
that i dont wanna save. If i disable close button
in the control box and user close this report with other close button
(that i created) the report close but it stand open in design mode!!!

How can i do? thanks

Allen Browne

If you have multiple users, you *really* need to split the database, so that
each user has their own copy of the front end. If that is a new idea, see:
Split your MDB file into data and application
That avoids the problems of what other objects you are working on at the
time, as well as a raft of concurrency issues.

Ideally, you will give each user an MDE rather than an MDB. This is a very
simple way to avoid all the issues with users tinkering with your form,
reports, or code. It also avoids the project decompiling, and the attendant
issues and corruptions that can happen with an MDB.

To be able to take advantage of an MDE, you need to use techniques that do
not require opening the report in design view.

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