clip art looks like a wav. file



I am unable to view any clip art. Instead, I see the Windows Media Player
icon, and trying to insert into my presentation is no avail. When I pull up
the Preview/Properties window, there is nothing after the "Open with:" field.
However, on a different computer, after this field is "Windows Picture and
Fax Viewer". Is there a way to set the default for ALL clip art images so
that I can view and insert these images?

Echo S

I am unable to view any clip art. Instead, I see the Windows Media Player
icon, and trying to insert into my presentation is no avail. When I pull

Which version of PPT are you using?

How are you trying to insert the clips? What exactly happens when you try to
insert them? "No avail" could mean a lot of things.
the Preview/Properties window, there is nothing after the "Open with:"
However, on a different computer, after this field is "Windows Picture and
Fax Viewer". Is there a way to set the default for ALL clip art images so
that I can view and insert these images?

What file extension do the clips show in the Preview/Properties? That's
listed in the "Name" line. Also, what's listed for "Type"?

You might check your file associations.

Changing a File Association, Repairing broken File Associations explains how to change/fix your
file associations.

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