Chinese simplified language problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter zen master
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zen master

hi, i have added Chinese Simplified language and Chinese Traditional
language support to my image. then while testing it with an MFC
application that will display chinese simplified text, we discovered
that some of the characters would not display properly.

The MFC application works fine with XP Pro.

I have included all the fonts available but still having this issue.

Some strange behaviour:
With the same text file consist of chinese simplified character and
chinese traditional characters)
1)Wordpad can display all character correctly
2)Notepad have problem to display some characters, (it appear as a
square box)
3)Internet explorer can display all characters correctly.
4)The MFC application cannot display all characters correctly.

Please help!
ya i have included code page 936 and 950 components in my runtime
image. Thanks for answering. Any other great thoughts?
Run filemon when you launch the app and the issue repros. Is there a '.nls'
file not found in the filemon log at that time? That would be the missing
app. Try the codepage and font macro components i posted on the team blog
(look on the left side under "download goodies here"):

You want to try the "lots of fonts" component and the "lots of codepages"
components. Use these as a troubleshooting tool.

Good luck.
Good luck? This is what i am missing... [grin]...

I have run filemon and regmon, no trace of any '.nls' file not found
entry. I will try your "lots of fonts" component and the "lots of
components bt i think i have added almost all the codepages and fonts
by hand....

Thanks for the advice..
I am sending this mail from home, so no target designer handy,
I assume you have also included the fonts simsun and mingliu

I have no great thoughts, with MS, let's remain dumb,
the process I used to use to track down the class of problem
'work for XP pro but not for XPe':

1. install XP pro on partition D
2. deploy XPe on partition C
3. with a script, wipe out all files that does NOT exist in C: from D:
4. test if you app still works in XP pro, if yes, I have no idea.
if not, bingo!
now you know the dichotomie process, wipe out 1/2 files from XP pro
(new install required), test if your app works.....
you should eventually find the missing file(s), you know how to find the
component containing the file(s), add the component(s).

now if the missing files is not the cause, the only thing I can say is the
registry. this time, I have no mean besides regmon to track the
registry accessed by your app and look if it exist in XPe.


Dear Andy, I have used your components "lots of fonts" and the "lots
of codepages" to tet, i am still getting te same result.

I have discovered that if my MFC application:
1) Use Arial font, with chinese simplified characters, disply well in
XPPro SP2, but not in XPE
2) Use 'SimSun' font with chinese simplified characters display well in
both XPPro and XPE.

That was recover after including components "lots of fonts" and the
"lots of codepages"

So I revert back to my configuration without components "lots of fonts"
and the "lots of codepages"

1) tested having the same sympton describe above (a)
2) Add Chinese Simplified MUI ,same problem.

I found something extra after adding the MUI:
If I open up the international control panel applet, under the Language
i) the option for 'Install files for East Asin Languages' is greyed out
ii) under the "Language used in menus and dialogs" drop down list/combo
box, the chinese character was not displayed properly

screenshot here

so i thought i may be missing some system codepages or fonts so i
proceed to add "lots of fonts" and the "lots of codepages" components,
rebuild and test, worst...

screenshot here

I am really out of idea here..
hi, thanks for your help. I have figure it out already.

Some story how i solve it if anybody insterested:
I downloaded
1)Chinese (Simplified) MUI - XP Embedded SP1
2)Chinese (Simplified) MUI - XP Embedded SP2

Then i install the SP1 first followed by SP2 package. I just rebuild my
image ( I am not adding the MUI package, my image just contain the the

Dependancy check passed without any problem.
After buildin my image i get the following errors:

Building: "Fonts: Chinese (Simplified) font substitutes [Version
5.1.2600.2180, R2900]"...
Error 1004: Invalid resource:
NT\CurrentVersion\FontLink\SystemLink\Tahoma": (Error 1011 (0x3F3) in
"PlatformLib::TargetRegEdit": Registry type mismatch)
Error 1004: Invalid resource:
NT\CurrentVersion\FontLink\SystemLink\Microsoft Sans Serif": (Error
1011 (0x3F3) in "PlatformLib::TargetRegEdit": Registry type mismatch)

it says the registry type mismatch. So I load my runtime image's
registry hive and check the registry key similar like Zirong mention


The registry key type for 'Tahoma' and 'Microsoft Sans Serif' is
built/set to REG_SZ with the value 'gulim.ttc,gulim'

Then I trace the owner of the font gulim.ttc using filter function and
found out that it is originated from 'Korean Language Support"

It is possible that "Chinese - Simplified Language Support" conflict
with 'Korean Language Support" ? I need both of them to be in my

I will try to build an image without Koren Language Support and post my
result here.

special thanks to Zirong and Andy .
I appreciate the feedback!
just a thought: why not just export the following keys from a XP pro
and re-inject them to XPe and see it works for you

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\

hi, some test result from my previous post.

1) Create new runtime configuration
2) Add all necessary components
3) Add Chinese language support (simplified an traditional)
4) Run dependancy check and test the runtime image, works...
5) Add Korean language support
4) Run dependancy check and test the runtime image, causing problem to
chinese character (some characters cannot be display anymore)

Is this a bugs or something?

The workaround is the modify the registry settings


Please read my previous post.

after some more extensive test:
(add the language support one by one, build an image after each of the
language added)

i found that it is not solely Korean Language support's fault.

I think the problem happen when you have multiply language support in
your component, TD create some rogue

registry which set to wrong type and wrong value. Solution is manually
patch the registry taken from a XP Pro machine.... sigh...