Vicente Zambrano
Somebody has had the "brilliant idea" of removing domain
controllers with "dcpromo /forceremoval" in orther to
remove a child domain and now my organization has a
childomain which domain controllers don't exist.
I tryed to remove this child domain manually by following
the instructions "Microsoft Knowledge Base Article -
230306: How To Remove Orphaned Domains from Active
Directory" but i got the error DSRemoveDsDomainW 0x2162
which indicated that no domain controllers have been
What can I do to remove completely this child domain from
my org?
I'm not interested in recover this child domain.
I'll relly appreciate your help.
Somebody has had the "brilliant idea" of removing domain
controllers with "dcpromo /forceremoval" in orther to
remove a child domain and now my organization has a
childomain which domain controllers don't exist.
I tryed to remove this child domain manually by following
the instructions "Microsoft Knowledge Base Article -
230306: How To Remove Orphaned Domains from Active
Directory" but i got the error DSRemoveDsDomainW 0x2162
which indicated that no domain controllers have been
What can I do to remove completely this child domain from
my org?
I'm not interested in recover this child domain.
I'll relly appreciate your help.