Check msn status on port 1863

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I searched on google and found out that if you want to check the status of a
msn client, you have to know the IP of the client and then check whether the
port 1863 is open or not.
So, i tried with my friends but the result is that, even if they were
connected to messenger and they were able to see the connection with netstat
to port 1863, i wasnt able to see if the 1863 port on remote machines was
open or not!
I even tried with my ip address localhost, and the result was the same,
didnt find anything on port 1863, but messenger was running!

Does anyone know why this happens?

Thanks in advance for your help

Greetings Angelo,

I'm afraid where ever you read that was wrong. Messenger makes -outgoing- connections on
port 1863, not incoming connections.
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - MSN Messenger/Windows Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources -
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2005 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.
Jonathan Kay said:
Greetings Angelo,

I'm afraid where ever you read that was wrong. Messenger makes -outgoing-
connections on port 1863, not incoming connections.


but i dont understand why you can read that info on many websites and