changing Size of a cell without affecting the others in the same column


Simon Lee

Dear All,
May I ask how can I change the size of some cells, let say
changin the width of A1 cell without affecting the one
below it (A2).

Or if that's not feasible.

can I create a table like sheet that could cover on some
part of the existing worksheet to "archieve" a similar
effect(i.e Changing the size of one cell without affecting
the one below it.)

Thanks so much for your kindly help again.

Simon Lee


You cannot do exactly what you want. A couple of workrounds :-

1. Use 2 or more columns instead of 1 so longer data spreads across the
width of all columns. Format the columns as 1 with borders and set
options to not show gridlines.

2. Use several columns as above and merge cells. I use the above method
in preference because merging cells has such unpredictable effects when
selecting columns etc.

Roger Govier

Hi Simon

You can't change the width of A1 without also chaging the width of A2. Width
is a column function.

You can give an appearance of a wider cell however, by Fomatting.
Either Merge cells A1:B1 whilst leaving A2 and B2 unmerged Format
Cells=>Alignment=>Merge Cells
or mark A1:B1 and Format Cells=>Alignment=>Horizontal=>Center across

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