Changing formulas in Excel that relate to Pivit tables



Can someone tell me how to turn of the ChangeEvent triger in excel?

I have some pivot tables that when I update the formulas, the system updates
all the of data that is linked to an Access database. This is a major
productivity issue since each update takes about 10 minutes and for each file
I have 3 columns that need to be updated.

B Lynn B

Application.EnableEvents = False

Note of caution: Excel will not set this back to true automatically under
any circumstances, so you need to make very sure your error handling ensures
it always gets reset before your code stops running. Otherwise your events
will continue to not "fire". The only way to reset is via code - no menu
items will get you here.



Thanks for the response. However, I am new to this VB coding. Where (How)
do I code this into the VB Editor?

Is this a Private or Dim Statement? What else do I need to code for this to

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