Change Value of Cell in Printed Title - Print Preview Event?




I have a question and Thanks for suggestions:
I have a range designated for - Print Rows on Top - in PageSetup. I'd like
to know if i can change the value of one cell within that range, every time a
new page is displayed. Cause it is a report and every page is for a Different
item, and within that range there is a label indicating the item reported on
that page.


Thanks for the quick suggestion, i'll dive into that page and come back soon.
web u around

Chip Pearson

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Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP
Excel Product Group
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email on web site)


'change the value of one cell within that range,
every time a new page is displayed'

1. What is the range? Rows("1:3")?
2. Which cell needs to be changed?
3. Are there cells merged?
4. Is the cell to change in a merged cell?

'every page is for a Different item, and within
that range there is a label indicating the item
reported on that page.'

3. What do you mean by label?
a. Is it a label from a tool bar? Which tool bar?
b. Other?

Below is basically what is on the website previouly referenced:

The folks who volunteer to assist in this NG cannot see
the files that the people seeking help have in front of
them. That means that the people who post their problems
need to provide as much detail as possible, including any
code or formulas that they may have tried to use to achieve
their goals. They also need to be as clear as possible in
what their goal is. Terminology that is common to the
applications that are being worked with should be used and
not colloquialisms that have to be interpreted by those trying
to assist.


Hello JLGWhiz,
Sorry for the delay, i was in my way back home. Now I'm ready for your help.
This is my concern:
Range A1:g16, are repeated for every page. No merged cells in that range,
included the one i need to change the value for.

range("A11") says: Period of Report. (That's the label). and Cell "B11"
could say "May 2008" or "Year 2008" or "Week September 09 through September
this is the value i need to change according to an array variable that has
in one column the number of the page i'm previewing and in the second column
the value for that cell to show.

thanks my friend


I have to apologize. I thought a variable could be used to change the cell
in the fixed print range, but apparently I was wrong. There does not appear
to be an easy fix to the problem without writing code for the entire process
and I am not up to that at the moment.


Well, I thougth that at the beginning, and trying to find objects for the
print preview window to manage their events, did not find any, and thinking
that i maybe could manage the previous and next page events. But i wanted to
consult your expertise on excel matters. This all take me back to simplify my
code building.

Thanks anyway for your time and effort.
have a nice time
until next visit


We were thinking along the same lines, but the key wasn't there. I even
looked at Hpagebreaks as a possible trigger, but there is no way to put the
variable in the fixed range after it has been set. The only way I can think
of is to set the 16 rows to a variable. Then a loop would have to be set up
to append the various pages as range objects on a new page for printing.
That way, the cell could be set to a variable that either walked down an
array or a list in a column to change the info on each loop. The new page
could be cleared after each print. It would be a pretty slow process if you
print in each loop, but if you made many new pages for all the reports before
printing, it might speed things up and you could then delete all the new
pages when finished printing. Either way, it will take a while to work out
the logic and write the code. That is why I did not want to get into it in
this forum.


Thanks fellow. It is really some time to spend on logic and some time in
processing the reports for preview. And since this should be a piece in the
master code, i'm not ready to try that yet, but I figure out this: The cell
with the value to be changed according to the information showed in every
page, is going to be out of that titled range, and i'm just going to declare
a new line for that piece: Insert a page break at the end of each Product
(item) reported and immediatedly a formatted cell with the new product name.

Thanks for your support

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