Change SQL Sever user password from inside Access Project

  • Thread starter IoannisKirmitzoglou
  • Start date


I have developed an application that uses an adp file (Access 2000) as
a front-end and SQL server 2005 (in SQL server 2000 compatibility mode)
as a back-end.
Each user connects with its own user name and password.
When i first created the application only 4 users existed so it was
easy for me to change their passwords from SQL Enterprise manager.
Now we have more than 50 users and I would like to know if there is a
way to change the user's password from inside the adp file.
What I would like to happen is after a user successfully log-ins into
the application he/she could choose a command and change his/her
password to a new one.
I noticed that when using my application in developer mode (adp file
with no startup settings) I can choose Tools-->Security-->Set log-in
password and change the password the way i described. But when i copy
this button into the application toolbar and open the adp with its
startup options (where the default toolbar is a custom one) this button
is not visible.
Furthermore if I change its name (eg to "Change password") the button
is visible but is grayed out. Same thing happens if i convert the adp
to ade (which is the file i distribute).
So why is this happening?? Is this a built in security measure?? Is
there any way i can bypass it?
Furthermore, if i can't bypass it can anyone point a direction to
create a vba procedure (perhaps in conjunction with a short procedure)
to allow this functionality for the users???

Thanks in advance...


in 2005 isn't it as easy as alter user myuser set password = sakslkj

or something super easy like that in 2005

in the 2000 world; it would have been a sproc i think; i dont know

select name from master.dbo.sysobjects where xtype = 'p' and name like

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