Change numbers in a worksheet using the $ function.


Davie B1

I entered a number on my worksheet using the $ function. I should have used
the format, cell, currency command. I have enter numbers like $665 and now
want to change all of these to show two decimal places such as $6.65. How do
I change all my numbers I have entered this way without going back and
changing each one individually . Thank you. Dave

Bernard Liengme

Enter 100 in a blank cell and copy it
Select the range of cell to be altered
Use Edit | Paste Special and specify divide
Now you can delete the 100
best wishes

Shane Devenshire


First, there is no $ function. If you enter $556 all you are doing is
telling Excel that you want to use Currency notation.

To just be silly, here is another approach to the ones previously suggested:

1. In an empty cell enter 0.01
2. Copy that cell
3. Highlight all the cells you want to modify and choose
4. Edit, Paste Special, Multiply

For some value added for this post - note you do not need to click the
option button beside Multiply and then click OK, instead double-click the
word Multiply. This will select Multiply AND execute the command. A general
trick in Excel (only).

In 2007 the shortcut key for Paste Special is Ctrl+Alt+V

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