Change Date to Just Month

  • Thread starter Michael J. Malinsky
  • Start date

Michael J. Malinsky

Something like:

Mnth = Month(Now)
MsgBox Mnth

Will return 3 for March

Michael J. Malinsky
Pittsburgh, PA

"I was gratified to be able to answer promptly,
and I did. I said I didn't know." -- Mark Twain


I want to change a date to just the month. How can I do this and get rid of
the underlying date value?

Ron Rosenfeld

I want to change a date to just the month. How can I do this and get rid of
the underlying date value?

What exactly to you mean by the above?

If you want to have the date as the text value for the month, you can use this


where the date is in A1.

If you want to change it in place to a text value, you will need to use a VBA


JE McGimpsey

What format do you want the "month" in?

If a number from 1 to 12: =MONTH(A1)

If a word, like "March": =TEXT(A1,"mmmm")

To replace the value, copy one of the above and choose Edit/Paste

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