Center Screen in any resolution or BrowserWidth


Greg Cyrus

I want to center a webform to fit any screen-resolution or Browser-Width.
Webform.Width=800px. How can I center the Webform to fit any size?

(Thanx in advance)

What I have tried before:
I optimized the output for a 800x600 resolution - means:
MainInfo-Form.width=800 and put the MainInfo-Webform inside the "mid"-frame
of a frameset defined by [cols=(left,mid,right):= 1%,800,1%] - that means
middle frame is always 800px; the rest (left and right frame) has to share
the space that's left.

I guess one cannot define a formula/function within the
frameset.cols-definition like [max(1%,0) ,800, 1%] so the "left" frame would
stop at zero (when getting into negative values) on a browser-resize. Left
frame.width=0 causes the mid-frame stop/start at 0 (or 1) px. But now when
resizing the Browser the left frame scrolls out of
screen followed by the mid-frame and both vanish in negative viewport-area
...lost in time and meaning.


Depends how this is done to mimimize changes.

Most of the time, I would say that the form layout is done using tables. You
can then center the table by adding the appropriate style. Most other
elements should also allow to be centered...

Something like :

<table align="center">



Greg Cyrus

Most of the time, I would say that the form layout is done using tables.
can then center the table by adding the appropriate style

I treid that.
But when I use a table I cant use GridLayout to place WebControls. Even when
I use a panel it won't go.
The Cell-Property won't even let my assign an URL as content.


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