Had the same problem. Whenever I referenced a calculated cell, despite it having a numericformat value, the new cell always = 0 ( example: A5= formula with result 87. If I created another formula (=A5+3) in cell (BB2), BB2 = 0. The calculate sheet trick did not work for me. I did notice if I set calculations to manual, and reran the above operation, I got the correct answer =A5+3=>90. Setting sheet calculations back to automatic, would result = 0 once again. No new calculation changes would update on my sheet for that matter.
The problem was a circular argument in my sheet. The solution was to correct the circular argument and all my calculations worked again. I believe, the one circular argument kept excel in a perpetual loop and failed to complete all calculations if set to automatic. Setting it to manual, would temporarily stop the calculations and let me run a new calculation.
Fix any circular arguments. This will avoid future calculation errors resulting in zero, or DIV/0 errors.