ccapp.exe can not find wbemcomn.dll


Yves Leclerc

I have a client whom just had a hard drive replaced. Re-installed a fresh
copy of Windows XP Pro (with SP2) and completed their Norton Anti-Virus 2005
installation (3 user license). Now, Windows comes up with a pop-up error
stating that "ccapp.exe" can not find "wbemcomn.dll" file. I checked system
and found that the "wbemcomn.dll" exists in "C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem"
folder. Besides "dumping" Norton, what do I do the "fix" this error??

Richard Urban

Copy wbemcomn.dll into the same Symantec folder that ccapp.exe is in. I have
found that this can "sometimes" help out in cases like this. Of course, it
won't solve the original path statement problem (-:


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

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