Caught a virus and removed now it's slow!


Jose B.

Hello i wanted to get some help, i caught a virus the day
it came out and didnt update my nortons anitvirus in time
so it was infected. i then restart my pc after u updated
and when it came to the welcome screen it hanged for 1 -
2 mins after the welcome screen then started up my pc's
sysytem files in task manger. i then caught the blaster
which i really dont know how i got becuase i had the
patch and up tp date anitvirus, maybe the virrus i
removed also removed y patch or something but i caught
the blaster 3 times. go i got them off and reformated my
pc then installed my OS xp pro. when all was finish i
started to install my programs and thats when i seen that
my pc i now slower from the viruses and cant do anything
about it. anyone know what can i do? i heard viruses can
hide in my ram or memory is this true? if so is there any
program or free website that can find out if i am
infected which is maybe making my pc slow, it's slow on
everything, and i have a intel 4 HT, 2 gb's ram. i mean
really fast and new. 3 months ago. i know i should take
it to my gateway store but i just wanted to see if this
place could help me out too thanks if you can help!


well, i dont know much about the blaster worm, but it
infects you files in program files W32. and what you need
to do is when you are signing in to your log in on Xp
press Ctrl + Alt + Del and go into process' and end the
process, after that you should know where the blaster
worm is coming from and go and delete that file or go
onto the symantec website and download the patch to
remove the file.


Kent W. England [MVP]

If you reinstalled your XP and left your computer on the Internet for
more than thirty seconds without your firewall enabled, you have blaster
and nachi.

You cannot reinstall and leave your system on the Internet and take the
time to enable the XP firewall. In the time it takes to enable the XP
firewall (click, click, click, click, ...) you are hit. Enable the
firewall and then connect the cable.

Then do your updates. Eight hours later, you can install and update your
anti-virus. Only then can you disable ICF and install your favorite
personal firewall. Then install your favorite programs.

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