Capitals at the beginning of a line



When I type an e-mail, the first word on a new line automatically becomes can I remove this?...I end up changing it to lower case
each line.


First, do not press Enter at the end of every line, only at the end of
paragraphs. The Outlook editor will flow your text to the width of the window
automatically. If you make each line a separate paragraph, your recipient
will see what you see only if his/her window size is the same as your.

By default, Outlook automatically capitalizes the first word of a sentence.
It assumes a sentence ends with a period, ?, ! or an Enter key. To turn off
this behavior, open a message, click the Office button (round one at upper
left), Editor Options, Proofing, Autocorrect Options, AutoCorrect tab,
uncheck "Capitalize first lett of sentences".

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