Can't Unhide Complete Workbook after adding code to hide it


Stephan Leduc


I'm creating a user form and I was trying some code to have the userform
showed off only, without the workbook and Excel showing off.

It works great , too great since I can't unhide anymore. I tried ALT+F11 or
F7 and nothing worked.

When I open the Excel file, I see my sheets, and my msg box appears and when
I click OK on the MSG BOX, the whole workbook and Excel disappears and my
user form appears.

I'm relatively new to VBA.

Thanks a lot in advance for any help.



Barb Reinhardt

Can you open it without enabling the macros, make the change and save with
another name?

Dave Peterson

Close excel
Open excel.
Toggle the security settings to not allow macros to run.
Open your workbook.
Modify your code so that it doesn't do the hiding.
save your workbook.
Close that workbook
change your settings to what you like
reopen your workbook.

You should be able to open your workbook while depressing the shift key and the
auto_open and workbook_open procedures won't run. Macros will still be enabled,
but those two events won't be automatic.

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