Cant Install XP RPC patch After All Attempts


Chris P.

I have the same problem with the RPC shutting down the computer as everyone
else is having. Exactly the same symptoms; Started monday, online when I am
on the internet through dial-up, and can't install the patch.

Now, I tried all the steps the people suggested. Starting stopping
services,renaming the catroot2, using the msblast vb tool from the Kelly
website. I also use the McAfee tool "Stinger" and the Symantec tool. Not one
found the worm and I am having the same problems as everyone else. The only
thing different is it happens on the dial-up internet connection only. I
took the computer to my house and connected it to my network which has cable
internet and no RPC shutdowns or anything. Only I still can't update the
WindowsXP at all. The person's computer I am trying to fix was never updated
since she got the computer 2 years ago. I tried everything I know and I know
a good deal.

What do I do now???

Chris P.


I appreciate your help but did you not read my post before replying i said
in there i tried that already.

Greg P Rozelle said:
If you have download the patch
Starting Xp in safe mode.

Press F8 at boot up
Choose safe mode.
Install patch.

You cam stop shutdown by typing
shutdown -a in the startmenu run box.


Greg P Rozelle

Sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night.

Greg P Rozelle


I appreciate your help but did you not read my post before replying i said
in there i tried that already.

Greg P Rozelle said:
If you have download the patch
Starting Xp in safe mode.

Press F8 at boot up
Choose safe mode.
Install patch.

You cam stop shutdown by typing
shutdown -a in the startmenu run box.

My advice is as-is. It could trash your system.

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