Can't get evenly spaced chart x-axis labels



I have a simple line chart. The x-axis runs from 1-50 and the y-axis runs
from 0-100.

I want to put labels every 5 ticks on the x-axis but I'm baffled on how to
do it. I'd think that setting the axis to 4 ticks between labels would do
it, but I get 4, 9, 14, 19, .... instead of the 5, 10, 15, 20 that I want.

If I try to get the y-axis to cross at 0 so I start the x-axis tick count at
0 I'm told that the number must be between 1 and a large number.

How do you label the x-axis with labels at 5, 10, 15, etc.?




I don't know where you are trying to set the axis values, but if you right
click on the X-Axis on the chart and select format axis, you can set up any
values you want in the scale tab.


Hi Dan

Let me a little more specific. If I double click on the x-axis I get a
Format Axis window. On the Scale tab is where the ticks and labels are set.

If I set the # of ticks between labels to 4 I get 1, 5, 9, 13....

Hope that helps clarify.



Ken Johnson

Hi Tom,

If the data you are charting consists of a column (or row) of X values
and a column (or row) of Y values then you should be using the X-Y
scatter chart.

When Dan said "you can set up any values you want in the scale tab" I'm
guessing he was thinking in terms of your chart being an X-Y Scatter

Ken Johnson

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