Can't change the picture for my User Account


Jerry Rivers

I have Windows XP Professional. It was installed clean on my C:\

I created a new account in Control Panel>User Accounts and
assigned Computer Administrator access.

I tried to pick a picture for the account but an error box
appeared which said "Automation Server can't create object". The
only choice was to click OK.

The account was created, but has no picture at all, just a blank
spot with a "X" in the middle.

I tried changing this account and I still get the same error.

What can I do to put the picture I want on this account?

-- Jerry Rivers

Jerry Rivers

I have Windows XP Professional. It was installed clean on
my C:\

I created a new account in Control Panel>User Accounts and
assigned Computer Administrator access.

I tried to pick a picture for the account but an error box
appeared which said "Automation Server can't create
object". The only choice was to click OK.

The account was created, but has no picture at all, just a
blank spot with a "X" in the middle.

I tried changing this account and I still get the same

What can I do to put the picture I want on this account?

-- Jerry Rivers

I am red-faced with shame. After a three-hour hunt, I
discovered that I had done this to myself. Another MVP had
told me how to disable the new Win XP FAX and Picture
Previewer by going Start>Run>regsvr32 /u shimgvw.dll

I turned it back on with Start>Run>regsvr32 shimgvw.dll

Just goes to show what damage you can do to yourself with
side effects from O/S tweaks!

Thanks everyone for their help!

-- Jerry Rivers

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

Jerry Rivers said:
I am red-faced with shame. After a three-hour hunt, I
discovered that I had done this to myself.

Thanks everyone for their help!

-- Jerry Rivers

Been there. Done that.

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