Can't adjust Outlook 2003 file size limit per Knowledgebase article


J Galt

I'm trying to adjust the maximum allowed filesize for Outlook 2003 pst
folders per Microsoft Knowledgebase article 832925. It says to open the
Registry Editor and go to:

Reg Editor is showing no "Office" folder in this location. So this
Knowledgebase article is not accurate, at least for my installation. Where
else might Outlook 2003's MaxFileSize registry entry be lurking?

neo [mvp outlook]

The location (folder) in the registry doesn't exist by default. You create
it manually or use a policy object to create it.

J Galt

Hmm, OK, but if that's the case, how does Outlook know to warn me that
I've reached the default 20GB size limit? It must be getting that value
from somewhere. Perhaps it's in the program's code.

neo [mvp outlook]

Correct, the "default" values mentioned in the article are programmed into
the software. So if the defaults work for you, there is nothing to do. The
registry keys only need to be set when the default values don't work for


ps - outlook will not auto-magically convert legacy (the Outlook 97/2002)
pst files to the new pst format. so if you are using a legacy pst, you need
to move that stuff over to a new file manually.

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