Cannot start MS Office Outlook - What should I do?



I just tried to open Outlook '03, Outlook opened but then a popup open and
says "Cannot start MS Office Outlook. Unable to open the Outlook Window. The
set of folder could not be opened. The serve is not available. Contact your
admin if conditions persist". Well, condition persist. What should I do, I am
the admin I guess and my ISP provider tells me everything is fine. MS KB says
run the "custom install wizard", what it that and where? Is the file lost
maybe? Should I run check disk? Any help would be apprciated...

BillR [MVP]

See if running scanpst.exe on your default PST works.
If that doesn't correct the problem try a new profile via the Mail icon in
Control panel and start Outlook with that profile. You might need to copy
items from your old PST to the new one.


I created a new profile and pst folder. I ran scanpst.exe and it indicated
that the file was repaired but I got the same error when I tried to open the
folder. Any thoughts, are there better tools?

BillR [MVP]

Does the account happen to say it is an Exchange account? It really just
sounds like the account settings are wrong.
If it's a POP or IMAP account remove it and re-add while checking the

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