Cannot send e-mail error #800CCC79-HELP!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Victoria
  • Start date Start date


Please, please, please if anyone knows why this is
happening please tell me (I'm not very computer
literate). I have Windows 2000 and use Outlook Express
6. I can receive e-mail but get the following error
message when I try to send:
The message could not be sent because on of the recipients
were rejected by the server. The rejected e-mail address
was xxxxxxx; Subject xxxxxxx; Account:xxxxxx; Server:smtp.;Protocol SMTP, Server response: 550 not
local host, xxxxx not a gateway,port:25, Secure[SSL];No,
Server Error:550, Error Number:0x800CCC79

I'm begging anyone who has any idea of what is happening,
tell me what to do! This has been happening on and off
for 2 months now. I will turn off the computer, then log
on the next day and it will usually be "fixed" (self-
healing?) but in some cases I need to send an e-mail
immediately. And THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to anyone
who helps!!!
I too am having the same problem.. first it was one address.. no its EVERYONE in my address book i use peoplepc as my isp
See if
helps with this problem. If it doesn't, could you reply with more
information, including which version of Outlook, and the exact text of the
error message?

Jeff Stephenson
Outlook Development
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights

dizzblnd said:
I too am having the same problem.. first it was one address.. no its
EVERYONE in my address book i use peoplepc as my isp
I have had this problem every so often. The solution is simple. I shut off the power at my surge protector. Wait at least 15 seconds, and then turn on the power at the surge protector, turn on the computer (tower), and everything should be back to normal.

I have no idea what causes the problem, but this is a sure fix.