Cannot print titles (top row) even though worksheets not grouped



Even though my workbook only has one sheet, which means I
don't have any grouping, I am still unable to use Page
Setup->Sheet->Print Titles. This option is always dimmed.

How can I correct this situation?


Ron de Bruin

Hi Elson

Don't know if you use File>Page Setup or the Printpreview ?
But It is not working if you are in printpreview .


Hi Ron,

Thanks for the answer! You are right in that I was going
to Page Setup through Print Preview instead of through
File->Page Setup directly. This must be a bug?

In any case, now I know how to do it properly.

Thanks again!

-----Original Message-----
Hi Elson

Don't know if you use File>Page Setup or the Printpreview ?
But It is not working if you are in printpreview .

Regards Ron de Bruin
(Win XP Pro SP-1 XL2000-2003)

"Elson" <[email protected]> wrote in
message news:[email protected]...


It's not a bug--it's a side effect of the fact you can't select any cell contents in the Print Preview


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