Cannot find server




IE6, latest service pack. LAN connection.

My IE worked fine until I ran a SpyBot, which removed some IE toolbars that
I no longer want. I now get "Page Cannot Be Displayed - cannot find server
or dns error" for all sites. My connection is fine as I can still view
sites through Netscape and, more bizzarly, even through *Windows* Explorer.

I tried the Reset Web Settings button on the Programs tab or IE Options but
to no avail. I also tried downloading the latest service pack, but this
made no difference (the update was only 21K or something).

I think what I need is to completely remove and reinstall IE, but I have a
feeling this is not possible. Can anyone help?




Same EXACT issue with my IE. All the other browsers work,
but after running spybot, which was needed as I kept
getting ad-popups, IE bit the dust. This is a first for
me. I have ran Spybot before without ANY effect on IE.


Any solutions??


This sounds just like the problem I just posted. Now
there are at least two with this dilemma. Which SpyBot
did you run?


Spybot S&D 1.2

I am trying to go back and restore bit by bit, what spybot
has removed, and hopefully this will remedy the situation.
Something is up, because as I posted before this is the
first time that Spybot has disabled IE.


-----Original Message-----

IE6, latest service pack. LAN connection.

My IE worked fine until I ran a SpyBot, which removed some IE toolbars that
I no longer want. I now get "Page Cannot Be Displayed - cannot find server
or dns error" for all sites. My connection is fine as I can still view
sites through Netscape and, more bizzarly, even through *Windows* Explorer.

I tried the Reset Web Settings button on the Programs tab or IE Options but
to no avail. I also tried downloading the latest service pack, but this
made no difference (the update was only 21K or something).

I think what I need is to completely remove and reinstall IE, but I have a
feeling this is not possible. Can anyone help?



Mike, I know this is no help, but what you have is exactly
what has happened to me. I have a call into Spybot to see
what can be done. I have reinstalled IE with no sucess. I
have upgraded IE with no sucess.


Add another to your club! I've got the exact same
problem and I cannot figure out how to fix this!


I used same product and followed up the search and destroy
with immunize. I tried recovery from S&D and then backed
out all of immunized items--still no browser capability.
Guess I'll back up data files and install new OS (XP Home
to Pro) but some of discussions would indicate that will
not correct this/our issue. If not, I'm ready to do full

If I could enter OEM support sites above Level 1, I would
try that. However, patience at this point will be gone
before they get me beyond the script that asks whether the
monitor is powered up!

Heading home--hope to see more tomorrow.

Thanks for response. B


SpyBot app is now 6CrashBot.
-----Original Message-----
Add another to your club! I've got the exact same
problem and I cannot figure out how to fix this!


Success!!! Thanks for the link! How did you figure out
this is what was causing the issue??


Mike--am I correct in understanding that the link here has
a fix for inability to use browser?



is this fix for people who cannot access the internet at all because
of "cannot find server".

i have the problem where i can be on the internet and then something
goes flaky and i "lose" my connection and get the "cannot find server"
("The page cannot be displayed", "Cannot find server or DNS Error").
redialing into the ISP does not solve the problem and i have to reboot.

i run Spybot and Mcafee anti-virus so my system is clean.

will this fix solve my intermittent problem?


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