cannot find c:\documents and settings



I have a friend that suddenly when she tries to open excel or any office
program it does not open and she gets the following message: Microsoft XP
Professional Front Page Path c:\documents and settings cannot be found. Any


Is it true? If the folder does not exist, then the recovery steps are
different than if the folder exists and Office just can't find it.


I think I understand your comment now..You were asking me if there is indeed
such a "folder" under c: named documents and settings? I will check.

Old Bob working

Gary, There IS a documents and settings folder..She tried to do a print
screen of explore and was able to open word but when trying to paste she got
the following "Word cannot obtain data for the c:\documents and settings
etc. Is this what you were after.

Gord Dibben


Try the usual fix(es) for this problem.

Tools>Options>General uncheck "Ignore other Applications"
Exit Excel and try again

If this doesn't work try to re-register Excel

Close Excel first and On the Windows Taskbar

1) Start>Run "excel.exe /unregserver"(no quotes)>OK.
2) Start>Run "excel.exe /regserver"(no quotes)>OK.
See the space between exe and /regserver

You might have to designate a full path to excel.exe.
In that case Start>Run "C:\yourpath\excel.exe /regserver"(no quotes)>OK.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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