Cannot create ASP.NET WEB Application


George Dove


Does somebody can give me the advice how to overcome the problem like the
next? When trying create new project in Ms Visual Studio .NET 2003 I
constantly get the message "The WEB server reported the following error when
attempting to create or open the Web project locates at the followin URL:
'http://MyServer/WebApplication1'.'HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error''". I'm working
under WinXP Servicepack 1. IIS is installed and configured, the Framework
version is 1.1, the ASP.NET is registered. I can contact my IIS from browser
when entering address 'http://localhost/some.html', but *.aspx pages return
the same error message 'HTTP 500 - Internal server error
Internet Explorer '.

Thanks in advance


Reto Caviezel


I have the same problem. I did what Steve C. Orr, MCSD, suggested July, 15
in this NG in response to Joe D's message "Running IIS locally" and had no
success. Help would be greatly appreciated. I've been stuck for a whole week


George Dove


The method described doesn't work. I searched many sources for recipe, but
the the recommended measures didn't work too. Possibly, this is the
consequence of installing Ms Vs2003 over beta-version. Let's wait for a
while. If I shall not find solution I'll reinstall WinXP - the best remedy
for all problems, but the source of bad headache.


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