Can´t send eMails from Windows Mail



The message I get reads like this (German): Unbekannter Fehler. Protokoll:
SMTP, Port: 0, Secure (SSL): Nein, Fehlernummer: 0x800C013E

I suppose it is a problem with the settings, because I use another computer,
where the problem does not exist.

Thanks for any help.

Gary VanderMolen

That type of problem is usually caused by interference from a non-
compatible antivirus program. Which antivirus are you running?
As a minimum, email scanning in the antivirus must be turned off,
although that may not be sufficient to eliminate all bad effects.
In a worst case scenario, your antivirus may need to be uninstalled.

Email scanning in any antivirus must be disabled, for reasons
explained here:

If no improvement after disabling email scanning, consider upgrading
to Windows Live Mail, because it is less prone to suffering bad effects
from overly intrusive antivirus programs:


Hi Gary,

thanks for your answer! I am usinge Norton Antivirus! It worked without
problems at least for one year. All of a sudden (some 2 weeks ago) the
communication with the wirless printer (brother) and the emailing problem
appeared. While the printer communication is resolved, the mailing problem
continues. I already disabled the virus scanning.

What else can I do?


Gary VanderMolen

Norton Antivirus 2008 (and earlier) is among the top three troublemakers
for Windows Mail. Symptoms often don't surface until several months have
gone by, or until an update occurs. You've taken the correct first step by
disabling email scanning, but with Norton AV that is often insufficient.

Several users here have reported that Symantec will give you a free
upgrade to Norton Antivirus 2009, which cures the problem. If interested,
contact Symantec via online chat.

In a worst case scenario, you may have to uninstall Norton, followed by
using their debris removal tool:

Instead of uninstalling your antivirus, another option is to upgrade to
Windows Live Mail, which is more resistant to the adverse effects of overly
intrusive antivirus products:


Hi Gary,

I upgraded to live mail! For the moment mailing works again!

Thanks for your help!

Gary VanderMolen

You're very welcome. Thanks for reporting back.

Gary VanderMolen, MS-MVP (Mail)

Konrad said:
Hi Gary,

I upgraded to live mail! For the moment mailing works again!

Thanks for your help!

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