Can you have mulitple drop boxes on 1 worksheet?



I'm building a contract, I already have one set of drop boxes (auto filter)
on one section of the worksheet, now I need another with an entirely
different set of info...can this me done??




Auto Filter is not exacly a dropdown box. It's using a list of unique items
from the applied column and allowing you to temporarily filter out rows
based on your selection.

To answer your question, I don't believe you can have multiple dropdown
(auto filter) boxes, other than one per column...and you can't place them
where you want. Because they are "Auto Filters", they are automatically

What you probably want to look at is, creating a Combo Box. This can be
found on the Control Toolbox. If you don't already have the Control Toolbox
showing, click on View-Toolbars-Control Toolbox.

When you create the Combo Box, you'll need to right-click it to access
properties and then set the 'ListFillRange'. This is the range of cells
that include the list of data that you want to show up in your Combo Box
(dropdown box).

Good Luck,

Debra Dalgleish

You can have only one active AutoFilter per worksheet. You could move
the second table to a different sheet, and filter it there.

If you want to compare the data side-by-side, choose Window>New
Choose Window>Arrange>Vertical, click OK
In each window, activate a different sheet.

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