Can Outlook do what I want?


Luke Vogel

I'm very new to Outlook and am wondering if it is feasible to do the

I use the contacts list for my customers.
When I receive an enquiry or order from a customer I'd like to be able
to submit back to my office, various 'forms' for new enquiries, orders
for existing products etc.

I was wondering if specialised forms with checkboxes, radio buttons,
text boxes, labels etc could be developed for my needs.

Is it feasible/practical to use Outlook in this way?


Rob Schneider

"Probably" can do it ... but I would hazard a guess it would not be the
best way and may be more difficult than you wish to undertake. Are
simpler ways.

Need also to think of the possible benefits if you could also find a way
to make the receipt and use of this information at the office end
easy/productive, e.g. feed into existing or new business process and/or
computer applications.

Does your office have an IT department with whom you can consult.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


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