Can Notes Connector comm with isolated Lotus Notes client?



Can Notes Connector for outlook be configured to interoperate with a Lotus
Notes client that is on the same pc? Our company shut down the Notes server
for good some time back. The Notes client is runable in standalone (what
Lotus calls "island") mode. We had a round of migration but not all local
mail files were migrated.

Brian Tillman

jguy said:
Can Notes Connector for outlook be configured to interoperate with a
Lotus Notes client that is on the same pc? Our company shut down the
Notes server for good some time back. The Notes client is runable in
standalone (what Lotus calls "island") mode. We had a round of
migration but not all local mail files were migrated.

I'd be very surprised. The Connector is meant to connect Outlook with a
Notes (Domino) server.

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