Can not detect any bluetooth devices

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dane.
  • Start date Start date


Hi guys,

Well, I'm really having a lot of trouble installing the bluetooth
keyboard and mouse on my system! I initially swapped the
keyboard/mouse for a new one, after the MS support guy told me the
transceiver from the first set was faulty.... Now, with the new
hardware I'm still having the same problems:

The setup process goes pretty well. The little SP2 patch from the CD
goes on the system & I can install intellitype and the mouse software.
However, once I reboot, the wizard which tells me to insert the
batteries and press the "connect" button never detects the mouse or
keyboard. I've uninstalled SP2 and the intelli-software many times,
and it makes no difference whether I install the mouse or keyboard
software separately.

My transceiver seems to work OK: I've got the light up on top, and I
can see both the enumerator & transceiver listed in the "Hardware" tab
in the "Wireless Link" (in control panel). These devices have a little
yellow question mark next to each item, although I suspect this is
because it hasn't found any devices yet (the same window tells me that
"both devices are working correctly" in the "Device Status"). If I try
to add new bluetooth devices in the same "Wireless Link" section, it
also does not find the hardware.

I have removed all other USB peripherals, and made sure to plug the
transceiver into a powered USB slot (this was some of the advice given
by the MS support tech). No luck.

I have also followed the instructions in the "Mouse and Keyboard Are
Not Detected When You Install Wireless Optical Desktop for Bluetooth"
support article:;en-us;811805
No luck doing that, either. Interestingly, some of the registry keys
were not there, despite the article telling me I should be able to
delete them (specifically, these keys were NOT in my registry:


* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\Vid_045e... All
where the DeviceDesc on the first sub-folder mentions Microsoft
Bluetooth. (**Had keys like this, but none for bluetooth**)

* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96F-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\<NNNN>
where <NNNN> is a set of four numbers and the DeviceDesc lists
"Microsoft Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer for Bluetooth

* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\<NNNN>
where <NNNN> is a set of four numbers and the DeviceDesc lists
"Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop for Bluetooth Keyboard")

* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BthServ

I'm not sure if some of these keys are removed when you uninstall
the software/SP2.)

I have also tried to setup this hardware on 3 other systems (varying
ages, one was an (old 433Celeron) Acer laptop) with no luck. I'm just
about at the end of my wits. I've got no idea what's going on, and am
really banking on someone helping out here. My PC specs are:

WinXP Pro, SP1 installed.
AMD 2400+
ASUS A7V266-E (tried latest official & beta BIOS updates)
Leadtek GeForce4 Ti42000 VIVO
SB Live! Soundcard
2 HDD's 30GB & 120GB
Lite-on 52x24x52 burner
Pioneer 52x DVD drive.

Finally, I read that someone who had the EXACT same problems with an
ASUS motherboard managed to fix his system by disabling USB 2.0
support in the BIOS. Unfortunately, the A7V266-E does not support for
USB 2.0 (as far as I know), so this isn't something I can check.

Hoping someone can help (please!!! :) )

I have been told, and belive, that MS Bluetooth Desktop
will not function normally with USB-2. I have gone
through a half dozen sets swapped out at Best Buy and
used with 3 different IBM ThinkPads to no avial. Their
port replicators are USB-1, but the system USB port is
v2. (Makes sense, huh?). I have also failed with a
newer desktop built for us by one of our subsidiaries and
with USB-2. On ALL of these systems, the keyboard &
mouse installs fine and works for up to a few days. But
eventually the k-bd or mouse is not seen by the system
and CANNOT be detected. Only complete removal and
reinstallation gets it going again.

I HAVE had great luck with two older PIII desktops that
have USB-1.1. They have installed easily and worked
consistantly for months with much greater range than RF.

I've been trying to find a patch/update from MS for USB2
support but to no avail. Pretty stupid to launch a new
product set up for only old protocol.

- OpsGuy
-----Original Message-----
Hi guys,

Well, I'm really having a lot of trouble installing the bluetooth
keyboard and mouse on my system! I initially swapped the
keyboard/mouse for a new one, after the MS support guy told me the
transceiver from the first set was faulty.... Now, with the new
hardware I'm still having the same problems:

The setup process goes pretty well. The little SP2 patch from the CD
goes on the system & I can install intellitype and the mouse software.
However, once I reboot, the wizard which tells me to insert the
batteries and press the "connect" button never detects the mouse or
keyboard. I've uninstalled SP2 and the intelli-software many times,
and it makes no difference whether I install the mouse or keyboard
software separately.

My transceiver seems to work OK: I've got the light up on top, and I
can see both the enumerator & transceiver listed in the "Hardware" tab
in the "Wireless Link" (in control panel). These devices have a little
yellow question mark next to each item, although I suspect this is
because it hasn't found any devices yet (the same window tells me that
"both devices are working correctly" in the "Device Status"). If I try
to add new bluetooth devices in the same "Wireless Link" section, it
also does not find the hardware.

I have removed all other USB peripherals, and made sure to plug the
transceiver into a powered USB slot (this was some of the advice given
by the MS support tech). No luck.

I have also followed the instructions in the "Mouse and Keyboard Are
Not Detected When You Install Wireless Optical Desktop for Bluetooth"
support article:;en-
No luck doing that, either. Interestingly, some of the registry keys
were not there, despite the article telling me I should be able to
delete them (specifically, these keys were NOT in my registry:

45e... All
where the DeviceDesc on the first sub-folder mentions Microsoft
Bluetooth. (**Had keys like this, but none for bluetooth**)

{4D36E96F-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\ said:
where <NNNN> is a set of four numbers and the DeviceDesc lists
"Microsoft Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer for Bluetooth


The issue you are referring to is briefly described in the following
Knowledge Base article

815037 - Bluetooth Does Not Work with Downlevel USB 2.0 Hub and Port

It is not true, however, to say that the Bluetooth Desktop will not function
normally with USB 2.0. Otherwise I wouldn't be posting this on my own
Bluetooth Desktop. But you are advised to use the USB 2.0 root hub.

An alternative issue may be caused by using a Bus-Powered Hub - although an
error message is usually associated with this problem:
330368 - Code 10 error Message when Bluetooth Transceiver is Plugged into a
Bus-Powered Hub;en-us;330368

Hope that helps