Can not access Device Manager



The message in a box with a Red Circle with an X. mmc.exe in top left

Text states..... Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or
file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.

I get this message, when I try to access the device manager.

I also cannot access, User Accounts.
When I try to access this area of the computer, there is no response at all.
I am logged in as administrator.

Thanks in advance for any help offered.
Ross T.

Wesley Vogel

Seems to be a permissions problem.

Device Manager is devmgmt.msc located in

See this.

Error: Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file.,_path_or_file..htm

May need to try it with mmc.exe also. mmc.exe is the Microsoft Management

mmc.exe is located here...

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



O.K I can access the device manager by directly clicking on it in the
'devmgmt' icon in system 32. Is there a way to fix the link?

Secondly, any idea how to access the User accounts setting? Thanks Wes, you
have me moning forward :blush:)

Ross Taggart


Further on this problem. When I go to

Only an entry for 'Explorer' exists... there is no entry for "System"
Is it possible to rebuild this key?

I am referencing this link

Thanks again

Ross T

Wesley Vogel


It's possible that there is no System. Did you look at both keys?


A permissions problem is different than a Policy setting.
Is there a way to fix the link?

Which link?

For Device Manager, do these work?

Start | Run | Type or paste: devmgmt.msc | Click OK

Start | Run | Type or paste: %windir%\system32\devmgmt.msc | Click OK

If the first one works, access Device Manager that way.

Create a shortcut to: %windir%\system32\devmgmt.msc

Use the Device Manager shortcut on the Start Menu.

Use the Device Manager shortcut in the Control Panel.

For User Accounts, the XP Home version, also seen in Pro.

Start | Run | Type: control userpasswords | Click OK

Start | Run | Type: nusrmgr.cpl | Click OK

Create a shortcut to: %windir%\system32\nusrmgr.cpl

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



BTW.. I'm using XP Pro sorry for not specifying sooner :blush:)

This key does exist.

In this key, 'Explorer' exists, but 'system' does not.

Which link?

For Device Manager, do these work?

Start | Run | Type or paste: devmgmt.msc | Click OK

Start | Run | Type or paste: %windir%\system32\devmgmt.msc | Click OK

If the first one works, access Device Manager that way.

Both of these methods work, however the link is broken in control panel
:blush:( I also tried accessing dev manager through the start menu/control
panel/Device manager. and no joy, np i'll make the link on my desk

For User Accounts, the XP Home version, also seen in Pro.

Start | Run | Type: control userpasswords | Click OK

---------no reaction from the system-------------

Start | Run | Type: nusrmgr.cpl | Click OK

---------no reaction from the system------------

Create a shortcut to: %windir%\system32\nusrmgr.cpl


-----when I click on this icon I get no response.------
I seem to be effectively locked out of user accounts.

Well, half of my problem is fixed.. any more ideas on the User accounts

Again thank Wes this is a big help.

You wouldn't happen to live in Edmonton Canada? I knew a guy from school
with your name

Take Care
Ross Taggart

Wesley Vogel


*.cpl files are Control Panel extensions, they show up in the Control Panel.

There should be two nusrmgr.cpl files on your machine.

Let's see if Windows File Protection is working.

There should be one nusrmgr.cpl in \WINDOWS\system32 and one in
\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache or \WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles. You should have a
dllcache folder or a ServicePackFiles folder.

The nusrmgr.cpl in \WINDOWS\system32 is the one that gets used. The other
one is for backup. If Windows File Protection is working correctly, the
following should help.

Try this.

Start | Run | Type: system32 | Click OK |

Size the window so you can also see your Desktop.
Scroll down to nusrmgr.cpl.
Left click and drag nusrmgr.cpl to your Desktop.
Wait just a minute.
Now scroll down clear to the bottom of system32.
Is there a new nusrmgr.cpl there?

If there is a new nusrmgr.cpl delete the one on your Desktop.
Close system32.

If there is NOT a new nusrmgr.cpl drag the one on your Desktop back into
Close system32.

If there is a new nusrmgr.cpl in system32, you'll see something similar to
this in the Event Viewer under System, listed as Information; Windows File

Event Type: Information
Event Source: Windows File Protection
Event Category: None
Event ID: 64002
Date: 23-Aug-06
Time: 12:39:06 PM
User: N/A
Computer: MYPENTIUM450
File replacement was attempted on the protected system file
c:\windows\system32\nusrmgr.cpl. This file was restored to the original
version to maintain system stability. The file version of the system file

If there was no second nusrmgr.cpl to replace the first I'll attach a copy
next post.

I live in Greeley, CO and as far as I know there are at least three Wesley
Vogels in the US.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



Now scroll down clear to the bottom of system32.
Is there a new nusrmgr.cpl there?

----nusrmgr exists,---- without the .cpl extention

I dragged this icon onto the the desk top and moments later a new
nusrmgr appeared in system 32. I deleted the shortcut to desktop.

--nusrmgr still exists in system 32, without the .cpl extention--

The last entry in the System Event Viewer is from 9/26/2006

Thanks again for the help Wes :blush:)


Wesley Vogel

Hi Ross,

Does User Accounts open now?

I always forget that the default for Windows XP is to hide the file
extensions. This is not a good thing.

To UNHide file extensions...
Start | Settings | Control Panel | Folder Options | View tab
UNCheck: Hide extensions for known file types |
Click Apply | Click OK

For a variety of reasons you should make certain that your computer always
shows file extensions. Under Windows you can set the system to hide
extensions. This is dangerous as some malicious programs will send
executable files with a double extension in order to try to fool you into
thinking the file is not malicious. For example, if you receive the file
BADPROGRAM.TXT.VBS and have exensions turned off you would only see
BADPROGRAM.TXT and think that the file is a simple text file. If you clicked
on it you would execute a script that could do anything.

You can also visit the link above for an explaination about file extensions.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



Hi Wes. No were still striking out on the User accounts.

Thanks for the help, its much appreciated.

Ross T.

Wesley Vogel


See if one of these works.

Start | Run | Type or paste: %windir%\system32\nusrmgr.cpl | Click OK

Start | Run | Type or paste: %windir%\system32\dllcache\nusrmgr.cpl |
Click OK

Start | Run | Type or paste: %windir%\ServicePackFiles\i386\nusrmgr.cpl
| Click OK

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



Ta Da !!! :blush:)
All three work!!
Would you know how to repair the shot cuts from Control panel?
wow this is great!
Thanks man!



Whoops I guess that fixed the short cuts! Excellent!!

Thank you thankyou thankyou :blush:)

Wesley Vogel

I have no earthly idea what happened... But glad it did. Keep having fun.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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