Can import the data from excel


Frank Situmorang


I do not what's wrong. To ensure that my excel format is corret, I export
the data to excel. Then on the same excel I add all the addtional data, by
copy paste from other excel. When I do get external data from excel. It did
not work with error message records are deleted.

When I tried to import it to toher table, I see one of the reason the size
of the column is 255 while the existing table in access is 50.

Can anyone tell me how can I redece the size of the table?. Or what is the
drawback if I change the size of the exisiting table from 50 to 255?

Thanks for any help.

Allen Browne

Go ahead and change your field size to 255 characters if it helps, Frank.

There are many reasons why you may still run into trouble trying to import
the spreadsheet data. Examples:

- Cell contains more than 255 characters.

- The number of all the characters in all the cells across the Excel row
exceeds 4k characters.

- A spreadsheet cells contains data of the wrong type, (e.g. "don't know"
typed into a column you are trying to append to a Date/Time field.)

- Your table has a foreign key field (so accepts only values that exist in a
lookup or related table), and someone typed a non-matching value in the
Excel cell.

- Your table field has its Required property set to Yes, but the person left
the cell blank in the spreadsheet.

- Your table field is uniquely indexed, but the spreadsheet cell has a value
that already exists in your table.

- Your table field has Allow Zero Length set to No, but the spreadsheet cell
contains a zero-length string.

- You have a validation rule on your table (or on a cell), and the
spreadsheet data does not meet the rule.

- Extra columns were added to the spreadsheet that are not in your table.

- All the top rows in the spreadsheet contain a number or date, but a later
row contains a non-numeric/non-date value. (This problem is to do with
Microsoft's spreadsheet parser, and so the row is still rejected even if you
are importing into a field of type Text.)

Frank Situmorang


Thanks Allen, it is the FK that I have not filled yet in the excel, it works
ok now.

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