Can I use a wild card in an Outlook rule?


Builder Brown

I want to filter spam I have been receiving where the subject contains the
name of the sender, which changes with each email. For example:
the sender's name is MaryZ and the subject is "From: MaryZ" while the next
spam will be from GeorgeA and the subject will be "From: GeorgeA". I would
prefer not to remove all items that contain "From" but tried "From: "Sender""
without success.
I'm using Outlook 2003.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Rules do not support wildcards.

What version of Outlook? Are you using its Junk mail filter? That is more
effective than rules.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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Aug 9, 2016
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I want to filter spam I have been receiving where the subject contains the
name of the sender, which changes with each email. For example:
the sender's name is MaryZ and the subject is "From: MaryZ" while the next
spam will be from GeorgeA and the subject will be "From: GeorgeA". I would
prefer not to remove all items that contain "From" but tried "From: "Sender""
without success.
I'm using Outlook 2003.

see this link


  • upload_2016-8-9_13-20-40.png
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