Can I have the value of cell entered into another cell on a particular date?



Can I have the value of cell entered into another cell on a particula

Here is the problem. I have a spreadsheet to record the dues payment
in a club. As members pay their monthly dues I enter it in th
appropriate cell on the spreadsheet. In another cell I keep th
running total for the year. Let's say the running total is in cell B25
Is it possible to have the value of cell B25 be entered into anothe
cell (say F26) on a particular date? The value of cell B25 woul
continue to change as I enter more data but the value of cell F2
continues to show the value that was in B25 on the particular date


Teacher3591, YES!! What you need to ask yourself is how you want
this event to fire, automatically on the particular date or do you
want to hit some kind of trigger(command button)?

Either way this will all transpire via visual basic.

You could use this code on the worksheet itself by placing it in the
"worksheet selection change event" by right clicking on the tab of the
worksheet and choosing "view code", then just paste this code their
and it should copy the value from B25 to F26 when the hard coded date
is reached.

If Format(Now(), "mm/dd/yy") = "11/11/03" Then
Range("F26").Value = Range("B25").Value
End If

You could put the desired "particular" date in a cell, say A1, and
alter the code to such:

If Format(Now(), "mm/dd/yy") = Str(Range("A1").Value) Then
Range("F26").Value = Range("B25").Value
End If

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