Total or Count based on multiple conditions




I have followed the Help guidance to calculate the number of rows that
contain two criteria, each from a different column but it only returns
a zero value. The Help Guidance says:

"Count the occurrences of multiple conditions
In the following formula, whenever Excel finds "Northwind" in the range
B5:B25, it then checks for the text "Western" in the same row in column
C (the range C5:C25). Excel then calculates the number of rows that
contain both.


This is an array formula and must be entered by pressing

My formula is this:

This is identical to the Help formula yet it only returns a zero value.

Likewise I have followed the instructions to calculatethe total value
of cells that satisfy those two criteria using the fomula based on the
Help example which is this:
"Create a total based on multiple conditions
Use the following formula to calculate the total value of cells F5:F25,
where B5:B25 contains "Northwind" and the range C5:C25 contains the
region name "Western".


My formula is this:

Again my formula is identical to the Help one yet it also only returns
a zero value.

Can anyone advise why this might be and what I can do to get excel to
do the calculations I want?




You can use sumproduct to capture multiple criteria. For a count:
To sum column G when those conditions are met:

Dave Peterson

if you're working with dates, you have to enter dates:


Personally, I like =sumproduct()'s syntax (and not having to array enter the


Adjust the ranges to match--but you can't use whole columns (like your array

=sumproduct() likes to work with numbers. The -- stuff changes trues and falses
to 1's and 0's.

Bob Phillips explains =sumproduct() in much more detail here:

And J.E. McGimpsey has some notes at:


Hi again,

I now need to sum and count from more than one date (e.g. the
cumulative total of houses for sale on 20/04/2006 and 27/04/2006 and
the total value of them). I have tried simply adding the second date to
the sumproduct formulae above using *, OR, but that didn't work. Any


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