Call of Duty Black Ops II


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score

Starting to find Modern Warfare 3 just a wee bit repetitive? Fear not, for it seems a new Call of Duty game will be unveiled in a little over a week.

According to a teaser posted on the official Call of Duty website, a 'world reveal' will take place on Tuesday, May 1st, during the basketball playoffs on TNT.

The site countdown doesn't provide any additional clues, but if we were bookies, we wouldn't want to be taking bets on this being a teaser trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.

Predictable? And just a little stale? Perhaps, but then the first Black Ops sold over five million copies in under 24 hours. Suppose you can't blame publisher Activision for wanting to get the next instalment out the door sooner rather than later.

Time was I got a little excited over the next CoD release but now I just see it as another 35 quid (or 40, depending on where you shop), for another 5 or 6 hours gameplay and maybe, just maybe, a better online game, but I ain't holding my breath.

A little stale? Check. Activision would be mugs unless they cashed in on something so popular? Check again.

I do like the CoD series, possibly best fps games in their genre ever imo but I do feel I'm paying more for a shorter episode of more or less the same.
I just finished playing COD, one of the newer ones, can not remember which as I'm posting from Arch. Did not like the fixed save points as I had to keep on going back over the same bits again and again and again which became a drag so if the new version has this "feature" I will not be buying.

The CoD Series haven't had manual save facility for at least the last three games, sure of it. I detest save points, it's just laziness on the game maker's part and it's likely they don't bother cos the game is now made favouring consoles and very very rarely have any console games ever had a manual save feature.

Checkpoints, savepoints - a major beef of mine, hate it, nothing more frustrating than having to play the same sequence ten minutes over and over and over :mad:

Elder Scrolls: Skyrim came with manual save :)
I'll save up for that one then. I have it marked down as a 60'th burpday gift to meself. :D

It's a great game! :) Don't listen to Mucks or Ian, just get it and you'll waste dozens of hours of your time playing it. Me & Reefsmoka can't be wrong ;) I've seen it on sale both in shops and online for £20 sometimes, though not often. It's still 35 on Steam, do not pay that much for it, I only paid 30 for it on the day t was released, from Amazon.

On the subject of CoD the last single player campaign, for CoD MW3, lasted five hours for me. There is some other stuff, one-off missions, but I would have preferred a longer SP campaign. It's worth mentioning that although short, the SP game was, imo, very good indeed, much better (imo) than BF3 SP.
Hmmmmm, looks just like all the others.... Seriously Activision, Treyarch and Infinity Ward need to do something, let it die or actually put some effort into it!

Don't listen to Mucks

I couldn't "control" the character, game controls were very alien to me ... I'll be having a new mouse mat this year. :drool:
It's a great game! :) Don't listen to Mucks or Ian, just get it and you'll waste dozens of hours of your time playing it. Me & Reefsmoka can't be wrong ;) I've seen it on sale both in shops and online for £20 sometimes, though not often. It's still 35 on Steam, do not pay that much for it, I only paid 30 for it on the day t was released, from Amazon.

On the subject of CoD the last single player campaign, for CoD MW3, lasted five hours for me. There is some other stuff, one-off missions, but I would have preferred a longer SP campaign. It's worth mentioning that although short, the SP game was, imo, very good indeed, much better (imo) than BF3 SP.

COD 4 and World at War were the games I have just completed. So I still have CoD MW2 to have a go at when I find a cheap copy in the sales. By that time CoD MW3 will be in the budget bin :lol: I do like the series
though apart from the save points.
So. Black ops is out today, whos buying / bought?

I haven't and at the mo doubt i will. it looks just the same old crap with some new (read same) perk system.
The end of a franchise? The Call Of Duty series started off as one of the best ever in computer gaming history. Then it was milked to death and the same old, same old, has just been churned out over and over again with each game seeming to get progressively shorter.

It's just a cash cow, MW3 with all 'DLC' totals about £80 which is extracting the urine, as they say.

So, those who have become rich from C0D are just pumping out another episode without any originality or inspiration and are hoping to get richer off it's back. And the sad thing is they probably will. Because despite each release having become a clone of it's predecessor, it's still pretty good.

But not for me, not just yet, when it reaches around £20 I might have some. And then I will probably notice that there's £50 worth of 'DLC' to add.

I pine for the days when standard free patches included several multiplayer maps and the term 'DLC' hadn't yet been coined.

What else could 'DLC' stand for? Lemme see, Dirty Lowdown, er, well, yes :)
Yep unfortunately, like it or not it will sell, and by the shed load at that..... :/

If i see it for cheap, then maybe i'll get it. but i have no plans on getting it anytime soon....
I got it yesterday......on the third level in under an hour....not impressed so far. Really folks get it second hand. I will play the multiplayer later tonight to see what it's like.
Halo 4 kicks it ass off the planet.....just sayin lol.
P.S. the save point system is the same - automatic.
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Call Of Duty Black Ops 11

Right guys I have been given a a game called Call Of Duty Black Ops 11 by her indoors and a games controller as a Crimble pressy. Truth is I have never gamed before and am not sure how to download it and start to play it:cry:. The box contains 2 DVD discs do I download both? If any one can helpl :confused:As I say this is my first so please be gentle with me as I am a Virgin

But if you are, its Black Ops 2 (II) not 11. Put in disc one, install, when it asks for disc 2 put in disc 2.
:confused:One more question the controller that was bought for me is a Windows Xbox 360 controller, but I do not have a Xbox only a PC will this work on a PC?
Not sure with the controller, don't think it will but others can answer better.

So what you basically going to be doing Royal is what you did in the Commandos.
But this time you don't have a rules of engagement card to read first!:lol:

Good luck & have fun.:thumb:
The controller works, did not see the driver DVD. I was expecting single user not having to join a group and all that sort of thing, not sure that I will get the hang of this