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I'm inserting the calendar control to the form, make it invisible, link it to
one of the date fields; i need to put a toggle button that when i click on
it, the calendar control appears and become able to select the date i need,
and to be placed in the linked field.
what i did is, i made the calendar invisible, placed a toggle button next to
the field, on the properties, event tab; when clicked, to run a macro; go to
control, my control's name in the argument field. Run the macro... cant be
run, cz the calender is invisible. please advice!!! i need to click the
toggle button that would make me able to view the calendar control and select
the desired date.
i would put a picture for you to know what i mean, but unfortunately, i
I cant understand you clearly. This is then code,try it

<script language=javascript>
document.write("<div id=meizzCalendarLayer style='position: absolute; z-index: 9999; width: 144; height: 193; display: none'>");
document.write("<iframe name=meizzCalendarIframe scrolling=no frameborder=0 width=100% height=100%></iframe></div>");
function writeIframe()
var strIframe = "<html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=gb2312'><style>"+
"*{font-size: 12px; font-family: ËÎÌå}"+
".bg{ color: "+ WebCalendar.lightColor +"; cursor: default; background-color: "+ WebCalendar.darkColor +";}"+
"table#tableMain{ width: 142; height: 180;}"+
"table#tableWeek td{ color: "+ WebCalendar.lightColor +";}"+
"table#tableDay td{ font-weight: bold;}"+
"td#meizzYearHead, td#meizzYearMonth{color: "+ parent.WebCalendar.wordColor +"}"+
".out { text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid "+ WebCalendar.DarkBorder +"; border-left: 1px solid "+ WebCalendar.DarkBorder +";"+
"border-right: 1px solid "+ WebCalendar.lightColor +"; border-bottom: 1px solid "+ WebCalendar.lightColor +";}"+
".over{ text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid #FFFFFF; border-left: 1px solid #FFFFFF;"+
"border-bottom: 1px solid "+ WebCalendar.DarkBorder +"; border-right: 1px solid "+ WebCalendar.DarkBorder +"}"+
"input{ border: 1px solid "+ WebCalendar.darkColor +"; padding-top: 1px; height: 18; cursor: hand;"+
" color:"+ WebCalendar.wordColor +"; background-color: "+ WebCalendar.btnBgColor +"}"+
"</style></head><body onselectstart='return false' style='margin: 0px' oncontextmenu='return false'><form name=meizz>";
if (WebCalendar.drag){ strIframe += "<scr"+"ipt language=javascript>"+
"var drag=false, cx=0, cy=0, o = parent.WebCalendar.calendar; function document.onmousemove(){"+
"if(parent.WebCalendar.drag && drag){if(''); if('');"+
" = parseInt( + window.event.clientX-cx;"+
" = parseInt( + window.event.clientY-cy;}}"+
"function document.onkeydown(){ switch(window.event.keyCode){ case 27 : parent.hiddenCalendar(); break;"+
"case 37 : parent.prevM(); break; case 38 : parent.prevY(); break; case 39 : parent.nextM(); break; case 40 : parent.nextY(); break;"+
"case 84 : document.forms[0]; break;} window.event.keyCode = 0; window.event.returnValue= false;}"+
"function dragStart(){cx=window.event.clientX; cy=window.event.clientY; drag=true;}</scr"+"ipt>"}
strIframe += "<select name=tmpYearSelect onblur='parent.hiddenSelect(this)' style='z-index:1;position:absolute;top:3;left:18;display:none'"+
" onchange='parent.WebCalendar.thisYear =this.value; parent.hiddenSelect(this); parent.writeCalendar();'></select>"+
"<select name=tmpMonthSelect onblur='parent.hiddenSelect(this)' style='z-index:1; position:absolute;top:3;left:74;display:none'"+
" onchange='parent.WebCalendar.thisMonth=this.value; parent.hiddenSelect(this); parent.writeCalendar();'></select>"+
"<table id=tableMain class=bg border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0>"+
"<tr><td width=140 height=19 bgcolor='"+ WebCalendar.lightColor +"'>"+
" <table width=140 id=tableHead border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0><tr align=center>"+
" <td width=15 height=19 class=bg title='ÏòÇ°·­ 1 ÔÂ
¿ì½Ý¼ü£º¡û' style='cursor: hand' onclick='parent.prevM()'><b>&lt;</b></td>"+
" <td width=60 id=meizzYearHead title='µã»÷´Ë´¦Ñ¡ÔñÄê·Ý' onclick='parent.funYearSelect(parseInt(this.innerText, 10))'"+
" onmouseover='this.bgColor=parent.WebCalendar.darkColor;'"+
" onmouseout='this.bgColor=parent.WebCalendar.lightColor;'></td>"+
" <td width=50 id=meizzYearMonth title='µã»÷´Ë´¦Ñ¡ÔñÔ·Ý' onclick='parent.funMonthSelect(parseInt(this.innerText, 10))'"+
" onmouseover='this.bgColor=parent.WebCalendar.darkColor;'"+
" onmouseout='this.bgColor=parent.WebCalendar.lightColor;'></td>"+
" <td width=15 class=bg title='Ïòºó·­ 1 ÔÂ
¿ì½Ý¼ü£º¡ú' onclick='parent.nextM()' style='cursor: hand'><b>&gt;</b></td></tr></table>"+
"</td></tr><tr><td height=20><table id=tableWeek border=1 width=140 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 ";
if(WebCalendar.drag){strIframe += "onmousedown='dragStart()' onmouseup='drag=false' onmouseout='drag=false'";}
strIframe += " borderColorLight='"+ WebCalendar.darkColor +"' borderColorDark='"+ WebCalendar.lightColor +"'>"+
" <tr align=center><td height=20>ÈÕ</td><td>Ò»</td><td>¶þ</td><td>Èý</td><td>ËÄ</td><td>Îå</td><td>Áù</td></tr></table>"+
"</td></tr><tr><td valign=top width=140 bgcolor='"+ WebCalendar.lightColor +"'>"+
" <table id=tableDay height=120 width=140 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0>";
for(var x=0; x<5; x++){ strIframe += "<tr>";
for(var y=0; y<7; y++) strIframe += "<td class=out id='meizzDay"+ (x*7+y) +"'></td>"; strIframe += "</tr>";}
strIframe += "<tr>";
for(var x=35; x<39; x++) strIframe += "<td class=out id='meizzDay"+ x +"'></td>";
strIframe +="<td colspan=3 class=out title='"+ WebCalendar.regInfo +"'><input style=' background-color: "+
WebCalendar.btnBgColor +";cursor: hand; padding-top: 4px; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0' onfocus='this.blur()'"+
" type=button value='&nbsp; &nbsp; ¹Ø±Õ' onclick='parent.hiddenCalendar()'></td></tr></table>"+
"</td></tr><tr><td height=20 width=140 bgcolor='"+ WebCalendar.lightColor +"'>"+
" <table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 width=140>"+
" <tr><td><input name=prevYear title='ÏòÇ°·­ 1 Äê
¿ì½Ý¼ü£º¡ü' onclick='parent.prevY()' type=button value='&lt;&lt;'"+
" onfocus='this.blur()' style='meizz:expression(this.disabled=parent.WebCalendar.thisYear==1000)'><input"+
" onfocus='this.blur()' name=prevMonth title='ÏòÇ°·­ 1 ÔÂ
¿ì½Ý¼ü£º¡û' onclick='parent.prevM()' type=button value='&lt;&nbsp;'>"+
" </td><td align=center><input name=today type=button value='Today' onfocus='this.blur()' style='width: 50' title='µ±Ç°ÈÕÆÚ
" onclick=\"parent.returnDate(new Date().getDate() +'/'+ (new Date().getMonth() +1) +'/'+ new Date().getFullYear())\">"+
" </td><td align=right><input title='Ïòºó·­ 1 ÔÂ
¿ì½Ý¼ü£º¡ú' name=nextMonth onclick='parent.nextM()' type=button value='&nbsp;&gt;'"+
" onfocus='this.blur()'><input name=nextYear title='Ïòºó·­ 1 Äê
¿ì½Ý¼ü£º¡ý' onclick='parent.nextY()' type=button value='&gt;&gt;'"+
" onfocus='this.blur()' style='meizz:expression(this.disabled=parent.WebCalendar.thisYear==9999)'></td></tr></table>"+
document.writeln(strIframe); document.close();
for(var i=0; i<39; i++)
WebCalendar.dayObj = eval("meizzDay"+ i);
WebCalendar.dayObj.onmouseover = dayMouseOver;
WebCalendar.dayObj.onmouseout = dayMouseOut;
WebCalendar.dayObj.onclick = returnDate;
function WebCalendar() //³õʼ»¯ÈÕÀúµÄÉèÖÃ
this.regInfo = "WEB Calendar ver 3.0
this.regInfo += "

Ver 2.0£ºwalkingpoison(Ë®¾§Áú)
Ver 1.0£ºmeizz(÷»¨Ñ©ÊèÓ°ºáб)";
this.daysMonth = new Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); = new Array(39); //¶¨ÒåÈÕÀúչʾÓõÄÊý×é
this.dayObj = new Array(39); //¶¨ÒåÈÕÆÚչʾ¿Ø¼þÊý×é
this.dateStyle = null; //±£´æ¸ñʽ»¯ºóÈÕÆÚÊý×é
this.objExport = null; //ÈÕÀú»Ø´«µÄÏÔʾ¿Ø¼þ
this.eventSrc = null; //ÈÕÀúÏÔʾµÄ´¥·¢¿Ø¼þ
this.inputDate = null; //ת»¯ÍâµÄÊäÈëµÄÈÕÆÚ(d/m/yyyy)
this.thisYear = new Date().getFullYear(); //¶¨ÒåÄêµÄ±äÁ¿µÄ³õʼֵ
this.thisMonth = new Date().getMonth()+ 1; //¶¨ÒåÔµıäÁ¿µÄ³õʼֵ
this.thisDay = new Date().getDate(); //¶¨ÒåÈյıäÁ¿µÄ³õʼֵ = this.thisDay +"/"+ this.thisMonth +"/"+ this.thisYear; //½ñÌì(d/m/yyyy)
this.iframe = window.frames("meizzCalendarIframe"); //ÈÕÀúµÄ iframe ÔØÌå
this.calendar = getObjectById("meizzCalendarLayer"); //ÈÕÀúµÄ²ã
this.dateReg = ""; //ÈÕÀú¸ñʽÑéÖ¤µÄÕýÔòʽ
this.yearFall = 50; //¶¨ÒåÄêÏÂÀ­¿òµÄÄê²îÖµ
this.format = "yyyy-mm-dd"; //»Ø´«ÈÕÆڵĸñʽ
this.timeShow = false; //ÊÇ·ñ·µ»Øʱ¼ä
this.drag = true; //ÊÇ·ñÔÊÐíÍ϶¯
this.darkColor = "#0000D0"; //¿Ø¼þµÄ°µÉ«
this.lightColor = "#FFFFFF"; //¿Ø¼þµÄÁÁÉ«
this.btnBgColor = "#E6E6FA"; //¿Ø¼þµÄ°´Å¥±³¾°É«
this.wordColor = "#000080"; //¿Ø¼þµÄÎÄ×ÖÑÕÉ«
this.wordDark = "#DCDCDC"; //¿Ø¼þµÄ°µÎÄ×ÖÑÕÉ«
this.dayBgColor = "#F5F5FA"; //ÈÕÆÚÊý×Ö±³¾°É«
this.todayColor = "#FF0000"; //½ñÌìÔÚÈÕÀúÉϵıêʾ±³¾°É«
this.DarkBorder = "#D4D0C8"; //ÈÕÆÚÏÔʾµÄÁ¢Ìå±í´ïÉ«
} var WebCalendar = new WebCalendar();
function calendar() //Ö÷µ÷º¯Êý
var e = window.event.srcElement; writeIframe();
var o =; WebCalendar.eventSrc = e;
if (arguments.length == 0) WebCalendar.objExport = e;
else WebCalendar.objExport = eval(arguments[0]); = WebCalendar.drag ? "move" : "default";
var t = e.offsetTop, h = e.clientHeight, l = e.offsetLeft, p = e.type;
while (e = e.offsetParent){t += e.offsetTop; l += e.offsetLeft;}
o.display = ""; WebCalendar.iframe.document.body.focus();
var cw = WebCalendar.calendar.clientWidth, ch = WebCalendar.calendar.clientHeight;
var dw = document.body.clientWidth, dl = document.body.scrollLeft, dt = document.body.scrollTop;

if (document.body.clientHeight + dt - t - h >= ch) = (p=="image")? t + h : t + h + 6;
else = (t - dt < ch) ? ((p=="image")? t + h : t + h + 6) : t - ch;
if (dw + dl - l >= cw) o.left = l; else o.left = (dw >= cw) ? dw - cw + dl : dl;
if (!WebCalendar.timeShow) WebCalendar.dateReg = /^(\d{1,4})(-|\/)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{1,2})$/;
else WebCalendar.dateReg = /^(\d{1,4})(-|\/)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{1,2}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})$/;
if (WebCalendar.objExport.value.trim() != ""){
WebCalendar.dateStyle = WebCalendar.objExport.value.trim().match(WebCalendar.dateReg);
if (WebCalendar.dateStyle == null)
WebCalendar.thisYear = new Date().getFullYear();
WebCalendar.thisMonth = new Date().getMonth()+ 1;
WebCalendar.thisDay = new Date().getDate();
writeCalendar(); return false;
WebCalendar.thisYear = parseInt(WebCalendar.dateStyle[1], 10);
WebCalendar.thisMonth = parseInt(WebCalendar.dateStyle[3], 10);
WebCalendar.thisDay = parseInt(WebCalendar.dateStyle[4], 10);
WebCalendar.inputDate = parseInt(WebCalendar.thisDay, 10) +"/"+ parseInt(WebCalendar.thisMonth, 10) +"/"+
parseInt(WebCalendar.thisYear, 10); writeCalendar();
} else writeCalendar();
} catch(e){writeCalendar();}
function funMonthSelect() //Ô·ݵÄÏÂÀ­¿ò
var m = isNaN(parseInt(WebCalendar.thisMonth, 10)) ? new Date().getMonth() + 1 : parseInt(WebCalendar.thisMonth);
var e = WebCalendar.iframe.document.forms[0].tmpMonthSelect;
for (var i=1; i<13; i++) e.options.add(new Option(i +"ÔÂ", i)); = ""; e.value = m; e.focus(); window.status =;
function funYearSelect() //Äê·ÝµÄÏÂÀ­¿ò
var n = WebCalendar.yearFall;
var e = WebCalendar.iframe.document.forms[0].tmpYearSelect;
var y = isNaN(parseInt(WebCalendar.thisYear, 10)) ? new Date().getFullYear() : parseInt(WebCalendar.thisYear);
y = (y <= 1000)? 1000 : ((y >= 9999)? 9999 : y);
var min = (y - n >= 1000) ? y - n : 1000;
var max = (y + n <= 9999) ? y + n : 9999;
min = (max == 9999) ? max-n*2 : min;
max = (min == 1000) ? min+n*2 : max;
for (var i=min; i<=max; i++) e.options.add(new Option(i +"Äê", i)); = ""; e.value = y; e.focus();
function prevM() //ÍùÇ°·­Ô·Ý
WebCalendar.thisDay = 1;
if (WebCalendar.thisMonth==1)
WebCalendar.thisMonth--; writeCalendar();
function nextM() //Íùºó·­Ô·Ý
WebCalendar.thisDay = 1;
if (WebCalendar.thisMonth==12)
WebCalendar.thisMonth++; writeCalendar();
function prevY(){WebCalendar.thisDay = 1; WebCalendar.thisYear--; writeCalendar();}//ÍùÇ°·­ Year
function nextY(){WebCalendar.thisDay = 1; WebCalendar.thisYear++; writeCalendar();}//Íùºó·­ Year
function hiddenSelect(e){for(var i=e.options.length; i>-1; i--)e.options.remove(i);"none";}
function getObjectById(id){ if(document.all) return(eval("document.all."+ id)); return(eval(id)); }
function hiddenCalendar(){getObjectById("meizzCalendarLayer").style.display = "none";};
function appendZero(n){return(("00"+ n).substr(("00"+ n).length-2));}//ÈÕÆÚ×Ô¶¯²¹Áã³ÌÐò
function String.prototype.trim(){return this.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g,"");}
function dayMouseOver()
this.className = "over"; = WebCalendar.darkColor;
if([].split("/")[1] == WebCalendar.thisMonth) = WebCalendar.lightColor;
function dayMouseOut()
this.className = "out"; var d =[], a = d.split("/");'backgroundColor');
if(a[1] == WebCalendar.thisMonth && d !=
if(WebCalendar.dateStyle && a[0] == parseInt(WebCalendar.dateStyle[4], 10)) = WebCalendar.lightColor; = WebCalendar.wordColor;
function writeCalendar() //¶ÔÈÕÀúÏÔʾµÄÊý¾ÝµÄ´¦Àí³ÌÐò
var y = WebCalendar.thisYear;
var m = WebCalendar.thisMonth;
var d = WebCalendar.thisDay;
WebCalendar.daysMonth[1] = (0==y%4 && (y%100!=0 || y%400==0)) ? 29 : 28;
if (!(y<=9999 && y >= 1000 && parseInt(m, 10)>0 && parseInt(m, 10)<13 && parseInt(d, 10)>0)){
WebCalendar.thisYear = new Date().getFullYear();
WebCalendar.thisMonth = new Date().getMonth()+ 1;
WebCalendar.thisDay = new Date().getDate(); }
y = WebCalendar.thisYear;
m = WebCalendar.thisMonth;
d = WebCalendar.thisDay;
WebCalendar.iframe.meizzYearHead.innerText = y +" Äê";
WebCalendar.iframe.meizzYearMonth.innerText = parseInt(m, 10) +" ÔÂ";
WebCalendar.daysMonth[1] = (0==y%4 && (y%100!=0 || y%400==0)) ? 29 : 28; //ÈòÄê¶þÔÂΪ29Ìì
var w = new Date(y, m-1, 1).getDay();
var prevDays = m==1 ? WebCalendar.daysMonth[11] : WebCalendar.daysMonth[m-2];
for(var i=(w-1); i>=0; i--) //ÕâÈý¸ö for Ñ­»·ÎªÈÕÀú¸³Êý¾ÝÔ´£¨Êý×é£©¸ñʽÊÇ d/m/yyyy
{ = prevDays +"/"+ (parseInt(m, 10)-1) +"/"+ y;
if(m==1) = prevDays +"/"+ 12 +"/"+ (parseInt(y, 10)-1);
for(var i=1; i<=WebCalendar.daysMonth[m-1]; i++)[i+w-1] = i +"/"+ m +"/"+ y;
for(var i=1; i<39-w-WebCalendar.daysMonth[m-1]+1; i++)
{[WebCalendar.daysMonth[m-1]+w-1+i] = i +"/"+ (parseInt(m, 10)+1) +"/"+ y;
if(m==12)[WebCalendar.daysMonth[m-1]+w-1+i] = i +"/"+ 1 +"/"+ (parseInt(y, 10)+1);
for(var i=0; i<39; i++) //Õâ¸öÑ­»·ÊǸù¾ÝÔ´Êý×éдµ½ÈÕÀúÀïÏÔʾ
var a ="/");
WebCalendar.dayObj.innerText = a[0];
WebCalendar.dayObj.title = a[2] +"-"+ appendZero(a[1]) +"-"+ appendZero(a[0]);
WebCalendar.dayObj.bgColor = WebCalendar.dayBgColor; = WebCalendar.wordColor;
if ((i<10 && parseInt(, 10)>20) || (i>27 && parseInt(, 10)<12)) = WebCalendar.wordDark;
{WebCalendar.dayObj.bgColor = WebCalendar.darkColor; = WebCalendar.lightColor;}
if ( == //ÉèÖýñÌìÔÚÈÕÀúÉÏ·´Ó¦³öÀ´µÄÑÕÉ«
{WebCalendar.dayObj.bgColor = WebCalendar.todayColor; = WebCalendar.lightColor;}
function returnDate() //¸ù¾ÝÈÕÆÚ¸ñʽµÈ·µ»ØÓû§Ñ¡¶¨µÄÈÕÆÚ
var returnValue;
var a = (arguments.length==0) ?[].split("/") : arguments[0].split("/");
var d = WebCalendar.format.match(/^(\w{4})(-|\/)(\w{1,2})\2(\w{1,2})$/);
if(d==null){alert("ÄãÉ趨µÄÈÕÆÚÊä³ö¸ñʽ²»¶Ô£¡\r\n\r\nÇëÖØж¨Òå WebCalendar.format £¡"); return false;}
var flag = d[3].length==2 || d[4].length==2; //ÅжϷµ»ØµÄÈÕÆÚ¸ñʽÊÇ·ñÒª²¹Áã
returnValue = flag ? a[2] +d[2]+ appendZero(a[1]) +d[2]+ appendZero(a[0]) : a[2] +d[2]+ a[1] +d[2]+ a[0];
var h = new Date().getHours(), m = new Date().getMinutes(), s = new Date().getSeconds();
returnValue += flag ? " "+ appendZero(h) +":"+ appendZero(m) +":"+ appendZero(s) : " "+ h +":"+ m +":"+ s;
WebCalendar.objExport.value = returnValue;
function document.onclick()
if(WebCalendar.eventSrc != window.event.srcElement) hiddenCalendar();

use it like this:
£º<input onfocus="calendar()">
£º<input name="txt" onfocus="calendar()"><input type=button value=calendar onclick="calendar(document.form1.txt)">
Use VB to do what you want. Hard to do that in macro. Anyways, set the
calendar button's onclick event with the ff code:

if YourCalendar ActiveX.Visible = False then
YourCalendarActiveX.Visible = True
YourCalendarActiveX.Visible = False
end if

Now, to be able to set the date based on the calendar value, create a
dblClick event for YourCalendarActiveX and place the ff code:

DateField = YourCalendarActiveX.Value
YourCalendarActiveX.Visible = False

You have to Set the focus back to the DateField to be able to set the
Visible property of the ActiveX to False or you'll get an error. The
DateField is the field where you intend to put the date resulting from the
date selection in the calendar. I used dblclick here since the Calendar
ActiveX in access does not have an event to accept the final date.

Hope that helps.