calendar sync



My Outlook calendar will not sync with my Treo 650 Palm device. All other
operations are functional. Calendar is the only issue. The error message
reads as follows:

OK Quick Install
OK VersaMail
OK Media
Outlook Calendar
The attempt to open the database failed.
Date Book application database is not found. Please invoke the Date Book
application on the handheld once and re-synchronize
- Not Synchronized
Outlook Calendar synchronization failed

Any suggestions?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Ask Palm - this part of the error message indicates it has something to do with their synch software:
Date Book application database is not found. Please invoke the Date
Book application on the handheld once and re-synchronize

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, krg0400 asked:

| My Outlook calendar will not sync with my Treo 650 Palm device. All
| other operations are functional. Calendar is the only issue. The
| error message reads as follows:
| OK Quick Install
| OK VersaMail
| OK Media
| Outlook Calendar
| The attempt to open the database failed.
| Date Book application database is not found. Please invoke the Date
| Book application on the handheld once and re-synchronize
| OLERR:05-0001
| OLERR:0D-0004
| OLERR:0D-0001
| - Not Synchronized
| Outlook Calendar synchronization failed
| Any suggestions?

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