Calculator without decimal


Randy Y

Here's one for ya, I'm stumped. I'm running XP Pro on an HP laptop and my
calculator will not show numbers less than zero. In other words, there isn't
a decimal point in the info bar like there should be. Example: (0.), and the
keypad button where the decimal point should be located is blank.
Calculations like 10 divided by 3 show 3 without a decimal. Anyone seen this


Try going into control panel and remove the calc from windows components,
reboot and go back to add/remove and add the calc back in.

Randy Y

Found the problem, open Regional and Language in control panel, click on
configure... and select the numbers tab. In the decimal attribute select (.),
and that fixed it. I have no idea how it got changed.
I hope this can help others, Thanks, RCY


I certainly learned something new. I didn.t know the calculator was affected
by regional settings.

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