calculations in a form



I am having trouble getting the correct calculations in a form. I have the
format set for [ncoa qty] to standard number and [ncoa m] is currency. I
basicly have to take [ncoa qty] / 1000 and * [ncoa m] to get total. I do need
to make sure the total is >= 100. Below is what I have so far, any help
would be wonderful.

=IIf(IsNull([ncoa qty]),Null,IIf(Round(Sum([ncoa qty]/1000)*[ncoa
m],2)<100,100,Round(Sum([ncoa qty]/1000)*[ncoa m],2)))

Gina Whipp


You didn't mention what is making this wrong or not work or ???? I did
change your formula slightly as using Null while trying to do calculations
only causes issues.

=IIf(Round(Sum(Nz([ncoa qty],0)/1000)*[ncoa m],2)<100,100,Round(Sum(Nz([ncoa
qty],0)/1000)*[ncoa m],2))

Gina Whipp

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