Cached Exchange Mode on Two or More Computers


Chris McConnell

With prior versions of Outlook (XP and earlier), a viable
OST file only could be saved on one computer. I always
felt that this was a significant shortcoming, albeit
understandable due to the complexities of reliable

With Office 2003, has anyone tried setting two or more
computers to Cached Exchange Mode? If so, have you run
into trouble with Sync Issues? A few months ago (with
the first Office 11 general-release beta) I had one
computer basically lose about half of my contacts. To
overcome this, I simply created a new profile, and turned
off Cached Exchange Mode on that computer. It had my
heart pounding breifly! So now I only run with one
computer in Cached Exchange Mode.

Does Microsoft have a recommendation as to multiple PCs
running in cached mode? It does not appear to me that
they are discouraging it!

Thank you for your thoughts!!!



I'm having no problems running multiple clients cached and not cached
against the same mailbox. I've been using a LAN desktop accessing directly -
no local (cached) mailbox, and a laptop with the local copy. In addition, I
recently upgraded to a new laptop and simply replicated the entire mailbox
onto the new machine. I had both laptops running at the same time and made
changes to either one w/o any problems. I guess, I didn't make any changes
to the same records - that should be interesting to see how sync'ing is
handled and if errors occur.


Chris McConnell

Right. With your two laptops running in cached mode
against the same Exchange mailbox, I wonder what will
happen if you run both laptops offline, change the data
in (say) the same Outlook contact, and then sync up both
laptops by hooking back up to the Exchange Server online?

Which Outlook contact record will "win" and will it be by
time of modification or by time of synchronization? Or,
will a conflict be generated that needs manual resolution?

And how often will similar situations arise??? As you
know, I turned off cached mode on all my machines (at
home and at work), except one (my laptop).

Keep me posted on your experiences! Thanks!!!


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