Browser won't let me sign in to the Travelocity web site



I use Internet Explorer
go to
receive information from travelocity
I make my selection to purchase tickets for tomorrow; this is very timely
and important
when I try to complete purchase
Some one ???? asks me for a "log on name"; then a password
I present every log on name with password and it won't accept .
I am mad mad !!! I need to go to bed ; but I need to get these tickets
purchased first !!
Help Help now Pllease!!!Why do I always have to sign on to a web site and
the browser won't let me sign in????

Richard G. Harper

If you have never created an account at Travelocity you need to follow the
instructions on the "Sign Up" link on their home page. You must have an
account before you can purchase tickets.

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
* PLEASE post all messages and replies in the newsgroups
* for the benefit of all. Private mail is usually not replied to.
* My website, such as it is ...
* HELP us help YOU ...

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