Browser resize



Hey all I was working in 2 browsers and did a "tile horizontally" feature.
Now whenever I reopen a browser it only opens half way. I can obviously just
double click the title bar or hit the maximize button, but is there a way
that I can get the browser window to reopen to maximum size by default?


Jan Il

Hi Abe :)

Try the following and see if it helps:

Courtesy of Jim Byrd:

"Close all windows EXCEPT the one that opens "minimized"; right click on
your Task Bar, either on the open space on the right or left end (your
choice); select "Tile Windows Horizontally" and IE will maximize; close IE.
Re-open IE and it will be maximized. Just showed a buddy this trick
yesterday and works like a charm. Enjoy."

It does work like a charm, but it isn't quite a normal "maximize" just a
full screen with a border. However, it does subsequently hold that.


IE New Window maximizer utility, download from:
(Uses Windows API calls and automatically maximizes every browser window you

If these steps do not resolve your problem, or you need help with the above,
please post back to this thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

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That did work! Thank you very much.

I got a ?, do people like yourself just volunteer their time to help folks
like myself or do you do this to promote maybe your own business or do you
work for Microsoft?

There are always great people helping me and everyone else out, and I was
just wondering what you may get out if it, if anything at all?

Thank you again!

Jan Il

Hi Abe :)
That did work! Thank you very much.

I got a ?, do people like yourself just volunteer their time to help folks
like myself or do you do this to promote maybe your own business or do you
work for Microsoft?

There are always great people helping me and everyone else out, and I was
just wondering what you may get out if it, if anything at all?

Thank you again!

You're very welcome! Good Job!!

Yes....I am just a volunteer who enjoys helping people like you and others
who come here. I don't have a business to promote, nor do any of us who
volunteer here work for Microsoft. We don't get paid to do what we do, we
come here on our own time to help folks who need our help. I'm not an MVP,
as many of the regular responders are, but, the work is no less rewarding.

What I get out of my time here is the enjoyment of spending time with a
great bunch of folks who come here, seeing people, like you, able to solve
their problems, trying to help however I can......and sharing lots of
smiles. :)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious

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